Weekly Beesearch: Bee Stings

Weekly Beesearch: Bee Stings

Honey Bees, and bees in general, often get a bad rap because of their defense mechanism: stinging. However, foraging bees rarely sting people, it’s when you are near the hive, and posing a threat that bees will begin to sting a person actively. A honey bee will...
Honey, We Delayed the Premiere

Honey, We Delayed the Premiere

It is Monday, May 11th. There is a crowd gathering outside of Jacob Burns theater in Pleasantville, NY. A poster in the window lets everyone know tonight is the premiere of Bee Aware. The house opens about 6PM, the crowd filters into the lobby. As the audience makes...
Weekly Beesearch: What’s In a Beehive?

Weekly Beesearch: What’s In a Beehive?

Bees.  In the typical hive, there are 3 kinds of bees. The Queen, the drone, and the workers. Then there are larvae, which begin life as eggs laid by the Queen, and in around 14 days, emerge as new worker bees. Worker bees are responsible for the maintenance and...